Fuchsia Fusion


This arrangement features red roses, hot pink roses, light pink stock, hot pink carnations, dark pink stock, white limonium, and greenery

Optional Add Ons:

Bow style and color varies.

Add Bow +$3.00 No Bow

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Delivery available 7 days a week!
Please allow 24 hours for order processing. For same day orders please call 765-447-7636.


This arrangement features red roses, hot pink roses, light pink stock, hot pink carnations, dark pink stock, white limonium, and greenery



Sometimes, we have to substitute flower and plant types, colors, and containers to give you the freshest blooms available; however, we will always do our best to keep the arrangement as close to the picture listed as possible. Although your arrangement may vary from the photo, we promise your recipient will love it just as much!

Additional information


Pink, Red, White